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One Month Program

One Month Program

Himani Dalmia is a Certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Specialist, co-founder of
Gentle Baby Sleep India, and co-author of the ground-breaking book, Sleeping Like A Baby.
Himani has helped thousands of babies and parents sleep better since 2015.

“Let love always lead you to listen more deeply, understand more fully, connect more securely, forgive more freely, communicate more clearly, and respond more gently.”

L.R. Knost

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Our comprehensive solutions empower you to unleash the full potential of your business, providing the tools, strategies, and guidance needed to drive sustainable growth.

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Why seek sleep counselling at all in the first place?

Does something as natural as sleep really need professional guidance?

Are your elder family members telling you they didn’t need all this help and you shouldn’t either?

You, as a parent, have likely been advised to let your little one


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

If you think that you may need more assistance and guidance than a one-hour session, I would recommend that you directly begin with the 1-month program. This aligns your and my expectations correctly from the beginning. Since this is a highly personalized program that requires a significant time commitment from me, I am able to allocate my time and bandwidth appropriately. While it is possible to convert later (within 2 weeks of the original session), a small convenience fee for the conversion will apply.

The one-hour session with me is extremely focused on what you and your baby need. And I’m usually able to discuss all the concerns that parents have during the session. You will also receive a detailed report with recommendations and suggestions and an email with plenty of resources.

Parents with newborns, children older than 2 years and those with basic or very specific concerns most benefit from the one-hour session.

However, most parents need a certain amount of hand-holding, or at least the reassurance that they are doing things right. This is where the 1-month program is perfect! It includes all the benefits of a one-hour session with me, PLUS for one whole month I’m only a WhatsApp message or, if needed, a phone call away! I’m with you – guiding, advising, reassuring – and doing it with no judgment or pressure!

The program you’re considering will be perfect for you. It’s most useful for parents with children between 4 and 24 months, though many parents with older or younger babies have benefitted as well.

I personally respond to all calls and messages – no exceptions! And I am mindful to respond promptly to communication I receive. There is no limit to WhatsApp messages as the idea behind the program is to be in touch before and after all naps and shape how the entire day proceeds. The interaction is as much or as little as we need, as the intention is to succeed!

There may be occasional exceptions like when I’m travelling, at a family event, tending to my ill kids etc. when my response times may be delayed. However, I will always do my best to not let it affect anything of true significance.

I also usually do not respond to messages and calls late at night or very early in the morning (with the exception of some international clients I work with in different time zones). If there is an emergency with your baby during this period, I urge you to seek medical attention.

While you have access to me via WhatsApp and over calls, I do expect my personal boundaries to be respected.

Yes, I work with families all over the world. I respond to such families early in the morning or late at night as well. Many time zones still allow interaction for the bulk of the day, which is enough to achieve what we need to. For families with a 10-12 hour time difference, we review every morning and every evening, and I leave detailed instructions. These programs are also successful.

In my experience, most daycares do not have the care and attention to babies’ sleep that is required. However, I also understand that sometimes parents are left with no other option. If the daycare is flexible, cooperative, adaptable and open to a partnership with parents, successful baby sleep management is still possible. If not, you will have challenges implementing the solutions and recommendations I make through this program as things will not be in either your or my control.

This program may not be needed for toddlers above the age of 2 years and most issues can be resolved through the 1 hour consultation. However, I have successfully helped parents of toddlers with challenges like tongue tie, very late cradle weaning or bottle weaning through my 1-month program.

Congratulations on your newborn! Parenthood is a wonderful time, though it has its fair share of challenges. For now, don’t worry about a schedule for your baby. Newborn babies don’t have a fixed schedule and don’t need daily tracking.

When your baby is older (between 4 and 20 months) and IF you have challenges with sleep and nap schedules,  you can come back and book this 1-month program.

At this point, I highly recommend my one-hour newborn session which will cover all the baby sleep knowledge you need at this age (add link).

If you are armed with knowledge, fully convinced about what your baby needs and are able to hold your boundaries for your baby and yourself with the family, you will be able to manage baby sleep successfully. In my experience, it’s rather challenging to implement any new ideas (including my suggestions) in families which are strongly traditional and against any change. You will have an easier time if you are supported by at least one other family member – whether it’s your spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law or any other family member.

Try my one-hour session (add link) where we can discuss your situation in greater detail. You can begin by implementing some of my key recommendations into your daily routine. At the same time, if you feel that having my support will help you manage the stress of potential conflict better, the 1 month program may be just what you need.

If you are armed with knowledge, fully convinced about what your baby needs and are able to hold your boundaries for your baby and yourself with the family, you will be able to manage baby sleep successfully. In my experience, it’s rather challenging to implement any new ideas (including my suggestions) in families which are strongly traditional and against any change. You will have an easier time if you are supported by at least one other family member – whether it’s your spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law or any other family member.

Try my one-hour session (add link) where we can discuss your situation in greater detail. You can begin by implementing some of my key recommendations into your daily routine. At the same time, if you feel that having my support will help you manage the stress of potential conflict better, the 1 month program may be just what you need.

Toddlers are also babies and need a lot of care. It is not humanly possible for one caregiver to manage both a toddler and a baby smoothly and without a lot of chaos. The suggestions and recommendations I make in this program do require a lot of focus on the baby. If you are the only caregiver, any kind of organized program will be difficult to implement, including this one.

If you find yourself struggling, book a one-hour session with me (add link) to discuss your situation in great detail and explore what we can do to ease it.

Parenthood is a journey like no other! Life as you knew it before your baby was born usually isn’t the same after. My principles and recommendations follow a baby-led approach, which would involve a few (or many!) lifestyle changes. The success of this program depends on following the suggestions made.

Babies need care, comfort and security and are not biologically able to sleep independently till they have reached a certain level of growth and development. We may want to ignore this fact but then we will compromise on other fronts, including sleep.

This program will make your everyday lives smoother and more predictable, and will help you all sleep better. Disruptions caused by social commitments or travel come with their pros and cons. A lot of it can be limited with the right tips and tricks, which I definitely share. But a cost-benefit analysis is needed by all of us as parents about whether the disruption is worth it or not, and I’ll help you with thinking through these as well.

The term ‘sleep training’ usually refers to practices where a baby is allowed to cry for short or long durations, in the hope that the baby will “self-soothe”. In my experience, sleep training is stressful for both the parents and the child. Encouraging your baby to self-soothe or self-settle by withholding parental soothing isn’t a practice that I’m comfortable with. Therefore, I do not recommend it.

Self-soothing is a developmental milestone which your baby will achieve in due course. I recommend biologically normal sleep management which is extremely effective and leads to dramatic changes in a holistic and long term manner.