One Month

Himani Dalmia​

Certified Infant and Child Sleep Specialist, Co-Founder of Gentle Baby Sleep India, Leader of the La Leche League, Co-Author of Sleeping Like A Baby: the Art & Science of Gentle Baby Sleep.

I have helped thousands of families sleep better since 2016

What is my
1 Month Program?

The 1 month program is my exclusive, thorough, intensive solution for parents who would like daily guidance with putting my recommendations into place. This page explains if it’s right for you and how exactly it works.

“Let love always lead you to listen more deeply, understand more fully, connect more securely, forgive more freely, communicate more clearly, and respond more gently.” ― L.R. Knost

Do you identify with any or several of these situations?

“My baby won’t sleep! What should I do?”

“My baby wakes up when I put her down!”

“My toddler has frequent night wakings and doesn’t nap enough.”

“My baby has always been a poor sleeper!”

“My baby wakes up and cries at night.”

“My baby just doesn’t look fresh after waking up!”

If yes, let me first assure you, you’re ABSOLUTELY in the right place!

Welcome to my
1 month support program

Because people who say they sleep like a baby, don’t usually have one! 😉 Sleep is as important as food. Yet, somehow, it doesn’t receive the same mindful attention from parents! And that’s why I created this 1-month support program. It’s the thorough, intensive deep-dive you need to gain the knowledge and practice that will make you confident about your baby’s sleep and help the whole family sleep better.

Is this what’s currently happening in your life?

Get answers and step-by-step help in all these situations when you enrol in my

1-month program

Why seek sleep counselling in the first place?

Does something as natural as sleep really need professional guidance?

Are your elder family members telling you they didn’t need all this help and you shouldn’t either?

You, as a parent, have likely been advised to let your little one

But here are a few facts:

While every baby is unique, babies in the same age range have similar sleep needs. This is biologically determined – just like any other developmental milestone.

With sleep counselling you can achieve:

Age-appropriate, longer, more restful naps

No active nightwakings

Greater attachment with your baby

Shorter soothing periods, zero crying

A predictable daily routine

More joy, rest and connection as a family

Longer stretches of night sleep

Healthier sleep overall

A happier baby, who isn’t overtired or cranky

Transform your baby’s sleep in just one month

My one-to-one 1-month program not only offers guidance but also provides ongoing support and resources to ensure your success in transforming your baby’s sleep, leading to a happier, more well-rested family.

What you can expect

Personalised guidance

We’ll get on a one-hour video call where we dive into your baby’s sleep patterns and I break down the science of sleep into easy-to-understand terms. Your baby’s sleep routine is like a personalised puzzle, and I’ll give you all the pieces. Expect detailed recommendations tailored to your baby’s patterns, including what’s normal and what’s on the horizon.

Detailed report and helpful information:

After our consultation, I’ll send you a detailed report, which includes what you can do to manage your baby’s sleep challenges. You’ll also receive other valuable information to boost your understanding, help you put my suggestions into action and manage future phases of baby sleep.

Hands-on assistance and on-going support

I’m not waving goodbye after our initial one-hour video call. Nope, expect follow-up support via WhatsApp daily and even a friendly phone call if you need it. I’ve got you covered with step-by-step support to implement recommendations, tackle questions, and tweak your baby’s sleep routine - throughout the day, everyday. Consider me your new sleep cheerleader! For one whole month, I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way.

The 1 month program may work better for you than a 1 hour consult if

You want to check in with me daily (several times a day!)

You want more action, less trial and error

You want answers to questions that may pop up while you’re implementing changes​

You want on-the-spot troubleshooting and tweaking

You want the knowledge and confidence to independently manage any baby sleep situations

It’s a complex situation like weaning a cradle or supporting a tongue tie​

It’s a long transition like involving a new caregiver or weaning the bottle​

You just need a shoulder to cry on and a friend to vent with along with you on the journey!​

Happy Clients
1 +
1 +
5 Star Feedback
0 +

What the 1 Month Program is not

I’m here to help you with your struggles, but more importantly, we’ll focus on what your baby needs. My approach and suggestions will always be aimed at encouraging the parent child bond. The biggest beneficiary of this program will be your baby.

This sounds amazing!! Sign me up for the
1 month program

This sounds amazing!! Sign me up for the 1-month program

Why work with me?

Hi! I’m Himani Dalmia – an Infant and Child Sleep Specialist certified by the Institute of Sensitive Sleep in Australia and a postgraduate reseacher at the University of Durham's Infancy & Sleep Centre. I’ve been helping babies and parents sleep better since 2016! I suggest only gentle, natural, holistic sleep management with zero tears, which keep the child's needs and long term development front and centre.
As a mum of two beautiful girls, I know first-hand what it's like to agonise over a baby’s crankiness, night-wakings, short naps and so much more. It was my own learning curve with my firstborn’s sleep that led me to deep dive into this subject. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, she would hit a milestone and my world (my sleep and my sanity!) would be turned upside down.
I’ve come a long way since then. Through my own experiences, research (tons of it!) and co-founding the Facebook group Gentle Baby Sleep India, I’ve been able to advise, support and mentor thousands of parents. Everything I’ve learnt and researched is included in the book I’ve co-authored – Sleeping Like A Baby. Can you tell I’m passionate about baby sleep?

My advice follows

  • A blend of traditional wisdom and the latest scientific research
  • Biologically normal, baby-led practices
  • No sleep training or self-settling
  • The parents’ loving instincts
  • A baby’s natural cues
  • Safe sleep norms
  • No-cry methods

Am I a magician? Not by a long shot! But I do have tips and tricks that I pass on to you, to help your baby, you and your family sleep better. And yes, some of these do work like magic!

You don't need
to do this alone.

If you’re struggling with an overtired baby who’s fussy, cranky, wakes several times at night, has active night wakings, or doesn’t sleep well during the day, you’ve found the help you need!

Only need basic guidance? Try my lighter alternative.

Check out my 1-hour session

Need longer support through the ups and downs of the sleep journey?

Explore my 3-month program

What happy parents have to say

Consulting with Himani has been a game changer in not just Kyna’s sleep pattern but also her overall behaviour. I had easily tagged Kyna as a hyperactive child, not realising that the child may not be getting the right quantity and quality of sleep. After consulting with Himani, I understood so much about how baby sleep works and, within just a few days of implementing the designed sleep routine, Kyna started sleeping much better, the night wakings reduced and she started being so much calmer in the day. I cannot thank Himani enough for her help and spontaneity.

Nitika Nayyar

Himani was referred to me by my paediatrician at a time when I was at my wits’ end and desperately looking for some help because my child was having trouble sleeping. Once we got into it, she was always available to offer help, especially the SOS kind and, though I didn’t manage to execute everything she said exactly, which meant it took a little more time to get there, having someone to support me through that time was invaluable. The best thing about her is she offers support without judgment and makes you feel very comfortable asking questions and, as a result, I learned a lot from her, things I had no idea about, like c0-sleeping, weaning, nap schedules and such.

Mihika Harnal

Me and my husband are very grateful for your advice and guidance, it has improved my baby’s sleep quite a bit. I am person of less words, but I feel like a different person since the day we took your session, my exhaustion and sleepless nights have reduced and my baby is always so fresh and playful because he is getting the sleep he needed, so thank you very much.

Mum of 10-month-old twins

Himani's help and intervention served us extremely well in transitioning Roohan from 3 naps to 2 naps. Her constant support over Whatsapp was a good reminder of how difficult this is and why it's important to support the child through this period, rather than adopting sleep training. She also gave us practical tips which helped immediately. We have referred her to our friends and will recommend her strongly for anyone looking to improve their little one's sleep.

Madhura and Kaushik Rajan

Himani's help and intervention served us extremely well in transitioning Roohan from 3 naps to 2 naps. Her constant support over Whatsapp was a good reminder of how difficult this is and why it's important to support the child through this period, rather than adopting sleep training. She also gave us practical tips which helped immediately. We have referred her to our friends and will recommend her strongly for anyone looking to improve their little one's sleep.

Madhura and Kaushik Rajan

Really really long post alert! Sharing my journey about gentle baby sleep and weaning off jhula with immense gratitude towards Himani and Neha and the amazing folks who run the Gentle Baby Sleep India (GBSI) Facebook group for sharing such important but hardly known information and support all throughout.


❤️Before I became a mom, all I knew about babies was that they sleep. And they sleep a lot.
💜But when I actually became a mother, I was hit with a harsh reality. My baby would cry relentlessly, and I had no idea what to do.
💚I struggled to initiate breastfeeding, but with hard work and dedication, my baby and I were able to establish a breastfeeding relationship within a week.


Frequently asked questions

Still have questions and doubts, I’ve got you covered! Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have a list of questions I’ve repeatedly heard over the years. There’s a good chance that you’ll find the answers you’re looking for right here.

If you think that you may need more assistance and guidance than a one-hour session, I would recommend that you directly begin with the 1-month program. This aligns your and my expectations correctly from the beginning. Since this is a highly personalized program that requires a significant time commitment from me, I am able to allocate my time and bandwidth appropriately. While it is possible to convert later (within 1 week of the original session), a small convenience fee for the conversion will apply.

The one-hour session with me is extremely focused on what you and your baby need. And I’m usually able to discuss all the concerns that parents have during the session. You will also receive a detailed report with recommendations and suggestions and an email with plenty of resources.

Parents with newborns, children older than 2 years and those with basic or very specific concerns most benefit from the one-hour session.

However, most parents need a certain amount of hand-holding, or at least the reassurance that they are doing things right. This is where the 1-month program is perfect! It includes all the benefits of a one-hour session with me, PLUS for one whole month I’m only a WhatsApp message or, if needed, a phone call away! I’m with you – guiding, advising, reassuring – and doing it with no judgment or pressure!

The program you’re considering will be perfect for you. It’s most useful for parents with children between 4 and 24 months, though many parents with older or younger babies have benefitted as well.

I personally respond to all calls and messages – no exceptions! And I am mindful to respond promptly to communication I receive. There is no limit to WhatsApp messages as the idea behind the program is to be in touch before and after all naps and shape how the entire day proceeds. The interaction is as much or as little as we need, as the intention is to succeed!

There may be occasional exceptions like when I’m travelling, at a family event, tending to my ill kids etc. when my response times may be delayed. However, I will always do my best to not let it affect anything of true significance.

I also usually do not respond to messages and calls late at night or very early in the morning (with the exception of some international clients I work with in different time zones). If there is an emergency with your baby during this period, I urge you to seek medical attention.

While you have access to me via WhatsApp and over calls, I do expect my personal boundaries to be respected.

Yes, I work with families all over the world. I respond to such families early in the morning or late at night as well. Many time zones still allow interaction for the bulk of the day, which is enough to achieve what we need to. For families with a 10-12 hour time difference, we review every morning and every evening, and I leave detailed instructions. These programs are also successful.

In my experience, most daycares do not have the care and attention to babies’ sleep that is required. However, I also understand that sometimes parents are left with no other option. If the daycare is flexible, cooperative, adaptable and open to a partnership with parents, successful baby sleep management is still possible. If not, you will have challenges implementing the solutions and recommendations I make through this program as things will not be in either your or my control.

This program may not be needed for toddlers above the age of 2 years and most issues can be resolved through the 1 hour consultation. However, I have successfully helped parents of toddlers with challenges like tongue tie, very late cradle weaning or bottle weaning through my 1-month program.

Congratulations on your newborn! Parenthood is a wonderful time, though it has its fair share of challenges. For now, don’t worry about a schedule for your baby. Newborn babies don’t have a fixed schedule and don’t need daily tracking.

When your baby is older (between 4 and 20 months) and IF you have challenges with sleep and nap schedules,  you can come back and book this 1-month program.

At this point, I highly recommend my one-hour newborn session which will cover all the baby sleep knowledge you need at this age. 

If you are armed with knowledge, fully convinced about what your baby needs and are able to hold your boundaries for your baby and yourself with the family, you will be able to manage baby sleep successfully. In my experience, it’s rather challenging to implement any new ideas (including my suggestions) in families which are strongly traditional and against any change. You will have an easier time if you are supported by at least one other family member – whether it’s your spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law or any other family member.

Try my one-hour session where we can discuss your situation in greater detail. You can begin by implementing some of my key recommendations into your daily routine. At the same time, if you feel that having my support will help you manage the stress of potential conflict better, the 1 month program may be just what you need.

The 1-month program has been specifically designed to run through one complete month because it’s the minimum time required to resolve several challenges around baby sleep and also to give you enough practice and confidence to take things on by yourself afterwards. Unfortunately, it cannot be compressed into a 2-week crash course.

Mums returning to work need to allow a gradual transition to an alternate caregiver (even if it’s the baby’s father) in a process that (depending on the situation) could take 2-3 months.

Toddlers are also babies and need a lot of care. It is not humanly possible for one caregiver to manage both a toddler and a baby smoothly and without a lot of chaos. The suggestions and recommendations I make in this program do require a lot of focus on the baby. If you are the only caregiver, any kind of organized program will be difficult to implement, including this one.

If you find yourself struggling, book a one-hour session with me (add link) to discuss your situation in great detail and explore what we can do to ease it.

Parenthood is a journey like no other! Life as you knew it before your baby was born usually isn’t the same after. My principles and recommendations follow a baby-led approach, which would involve a few (or many!) lifestyle changes. The success of this program depends on following the suggestions made.

Babies need care, comfort and security and are not biologically able to sleep independently till they have reached a certain level of growth and development. We may want to ignore this fact but then we will compromise on other fronts, including sleep. This program will make your everyday lives smoother and more predictable, and will help you all sleep better. Disruptions caused by social commitments or travel come with their pros and cons. A lot of it can be limited with the right tips and tricks, which I definitely share. But a cost-benefit analysis is needed by all of us as parents about whether the disruption is worth it or not, and I’ll help you with thinking through these as well.

The term ‘sleep training’ usually refers to practices where a baby is allowed to cry for short or long durations, in the hope that the baby will “self-soothe”. In my experience, sleep training is stressful for both the parents and the child. Encouraging your baby to self-soothe or self-settle by withholding parental soothing isn’t a practice that I’m comfortable with. Therefore, I do not recommend it.

Self-soothing is a developmental milestone which your baby will achieve in due course. I recommend biologically normal sleep management which is extremely effective and leads to dramatic changes in a holistic and long term manner.

I’m excited to begin!

Himani’s consultation session was very helpful. She brings together the right blend of knowledge and expertise while balancing the needs of the individuals who come for a consult ! Whether you have an infant or toddler she always has the right answer 😉

Priya Mirchandani

Me and my husband are very grateful for your advice and guidance, it has improved my baby’s sleep quite a bit. I am person of less words, but I feel like a different person since the day we took your session, my exhaustion and sleepless nights have reduced and my baby is always so fresh and playful because he is getting the sleep he needed, so thank you very much

Mum of 10-month-old twins

Consulting with Himani has been a game changer in not just Kyna’s sleep pattern but also her overall behaviour. I had easily tagged Kyna as a hyperactive child, not realising that the child may not be getting the right quantity and quality of sleep. After consulting with Himani, I understood so much about how baby sleep works and, within just a few days of implementing the designed sleep routine, Kyna started sleeping much better, the night wakings reduced and she started being so much calmer in the day. I cannot thank Himani enough for her help and spontaneity.

Nitika Nayyar


All your sessions are 100% private and confidential. Any information that may come to my knowledge through this program will never be sold, divulged or disclosed to any third party.

Judgment-Free Zone

When you work with me, you can be assured of a 100% safe and judgment-free zone. In my work helping thousands of parents from every type of personal and family background, all over the world, I can assure you that nothing is new to me! The more information I have, the better I can understand your specific situation and concerns. While some questions may be basic and mandatory to help you and your baby, I will never force you to discuss details of your life that you’re not comfortable discussing.


I am a Certified Infant and Child Sleep Specialist. My training and expertise only extend to issues related to infant and child sleep.

The suggestions and recommendations I offer are not meant to displace or replace traditional medical healthcare, medical diagnosis or medical treatment for illnesses.

Suggestions, advice, recommendations and other information provided on this website or via products, services, events and consultations are not medical advice and are not intended to be considered or treated as medical advice.

Suggestions, advice, recommendations and other information provided on this website or via products, services, events and consultations are only meant and intended to help those to whom it is directed. All reports and advice are personalised and customised and offered for clients to make informed, educated and appropriate choices to suit their circumstances and situations.

It is strongly recommended that you immediately consult a registered doctor, medical practitioner or healthcare professional if you suspect that your baby has medical issues, challenges or illnesses that interfere with their sleep and wellbeing.

All your sessions are 100% private and confidential. Any information that may come to my knowledge through this program will never be sold, divulged or disclosed to any third party.